Companies aren’t obliged to maintain detailed records of the devices they have had PAT tested. Nevertheless, it is a very good idea that you do. By keeping records, you can see which of your electrical devices is due for a PAT Test, ensuring you meet obligations to keep staff and occupants safe. PAT Testing is also easier when there’s a definitive list of equipment to refer to, so it’s worth retaining records for next time around.
If your records have been lost, any competent PAT Testing company will provide you will their new records as proof that they have performed the necessary tests on your equipment. Such records will typically list each device that has been tested, its location, its class, and how it performs in each of the main parts of the PAT test: the visual inspection, the earth and insulation tests, and the functional check. Finally, the date that the device should next be tested will be given.
PAT Testing is also easier when there’s a definitive list of equipment to refer to, so it’s worth retaining records for next time around. If your records have been lost, any competent PAT Testing company will provide you will their new records as proof that they have. 2 Pocket guide to PAT testing Forward Following the publication of the Lofstedt report, back in November 2011, it was deemed necessary to look at the burden placed upon businesses due to a legislative over-compliance placed upon them – with a key issue being confusion over Portable Appliance Testing.
Legally, you don’t need to have a PAT Test certificate for every device that has passed. However, these certificates are issued routinely by PAT Testers, so it helps if you retain them. By having a PAT Testing certificate for a device, it proves that the device has been certified as safe to use, and therefore acts as a back up to prove that a company is in compliance with testing regulations. If someone takes you to court in future, you’ll be glad you have the paperwork to prove you’ve done everything you had to do to be safe.
Electricians carrying out PAT Tests may have carried out a formal training course with NICEIC or a similar provider. As part of their training, a PAT Tester will always learn how to issue PAT Testing certificates. Make sure you obtain yours once the tests are complete.
Printable Pat Testing Record Sheet Free
You can see some examples of PAT testing records here.