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Copy link to Tweet. Follow Follow @otu02CM3D2 Following Following @otu02CM3D2 Unfollow Unfollow @otu02CM3D2 Blocked Blocked @otu02. Master All Works For Current Maid. Master Played Skills For Selected Maid. Remove Exchange, Group and VIP Experiences. CM3D2 Editor is updated to version 1.8.6. CM3D2 1.51 Tested. Sadist Personality Pack Supported. Yotogo Skills Vol.13 Supported.

Custom Order Maid 3D2 modpack R1 - The base game is not included in this pack because it gets updated quite often. Clean installation is highly recommended.- This pack is focused on normal clothes and school uniform variations.- A few presets are included- Several body types are included (I recommend the LO High Poly body v2.11.1350 with extra shapekeys for the chest as the default choice)- Several male bodies are also included. If you find better ones that aren't transparent, let me know. - There may be some items with errors and missing refferences which will potentially crash the game but they are very rare. That's why you should save more often when editing maids.- There are a few duplicates. I will do some more cleanup in a later release. Some items may look alike but are in fact different (custom shapekeys)- I have no idea if it works with the english version or how you can get it to work, nor do I care. You're on your own. - Some items are specific to a body type and will display incorrectly on any other body type. (Ex. stockings made for the default body will have parts of them blending with the skin when used with the LO High Poly body which is the one you want to use because of the extra shapekeys. You'll see the difference.)- This pack is based on the updated JAPANESE version of COM3D2 by lilly ( and CM3D2 version by lilly ( COM3D2 and CM3D2 are two different standalone games that are backwards compatible. These two versions have all the DLC preapplied which is a must if you don't want to get missing refference errors. COM3D2 must be linked to CM3D2 installation folder via the game launcher settings. REQUIREMENTS <<< Ability to read and understand some simple instructions.<<< A decent PC with a 64bit version of Windows.<<< An installation path that isn't too long. Something like 'D:GamesCOM3D2' is good.<<< Most of the mods to date are based on the DLC from CM3D2 so if you plan on skipping the CM3D2 installation then you can forget about using this pack. You'll have to delete at least half of the mods. >>><<< Updated Visual C++ redistributables. You can use an All In One pack such as >>><<< Updated drivers >>><<< 7zip or something to extract .7z archives >>><<< Japanese language pack installed on windows. You don't need to run the game with japanese locale or locale emulator. I never do and it works fine >>><<< A SSD WITH AT LEAST 150GB FREE SPACE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Both CM3D2 and COM3D2 should be installed on SSD because loading time can become an issue otherwise >>> >>> INSTALLATION Step 1 - download CM3D2 from '' to your SSD- run '_01 AIO install . first run this. 올인원 설치. 이거 먼저 실행. v022.cmd'- run '_56 Option. Reg add 레지스트리 등록 v001_UTF-8.cmd'. (Run again every time you change the installation path) Step 2- download COM3D2 from '' to your SSD- run '_01 AIO install . first run this. 올인원 설치. 이거 먼저 실행. v022.cmd'- run '_15 Option. Reg add 레지스트리 등록 v001_UTF-8.cmd' (Run again every time you change the installation path)- run 'COM3D2.exe' game launcher and in the upper right corner hit the settings button and select the 3rd option. You can use your smartphone's camera with google translate to figure what it says but basically what you need to do there is enter the installation path of CM3D2 and save the settings. Now COM3D2 will automatically import the assets and maid personalities from CM3D2.- exit the game launcher Step 3- Copy the contents of this pack to the root of the COM3D2 installation folder (no need to copy Mod.7z)- Extract 'Mod.7z' to the root of the COM3D2 installation folder. (If 'Mod' folder is not in the same directory as the game launcher you did something wrong.)- Go to [Noctsoul Sybaris II AIO] folder and extract 'Sybaris COM3D2 [191031].7z' into the root of the COM3D2 installation folder. (You should now have 'i18nEx', 'IMGUITranslationLoader', 'Sybaris', 'opengl32.dll' and a bunch of readme txt files in the same folder as game launcher. If you don't you did something wrong.)- At this point you should have a working uncensored COM3D2 with the essential mods and plugins and automated machine translation which isn't that great.- Go to [MaidEx BepInEx AIO pack] => Translation AIO [Sybaris II] [190901].7z and extract it into the root of the COM3D2 installation folder overwriting all existing files. This will give you a better translation for the user interface and the main story. You must go to the ingame configuration and select English language. Sometimes when no text is displayed during dialog you must select English and Japanese. Translation was made by the CM3D2/COM3D2 comunity and is really good. Step 4- Everything should be set. I run the game with 'COM3D2.exe' and it works fine for me. Some suggest to run it with 'COM3D2x64.exe'. I wouldn't expect the game to start without errors on the first try. For me it usually takes around 2 minutes to load to title screen on a decent machine. Just keep trying both exe until it finally completely loads for the first time and then keep using the exe that worked. If for some reason loading gets stuck it sometimes helps to hit space or enter on the console window. If you only get sound and a black window it helps setting fullscreen: false and the resolution to 1280x720 in 'config.xml' and then change it to whatever you want while ingame. It's important for the game to load correctly once and most issues will be gone on a second loading. >>> OPTIONAL- go into [TOOLS] and install Maid Fiddler preferrably in the game folder. When it asks, point it to the COM3D2 installation folder. Maid Fiddler allows you to edit your maids stats. To use it you must first run Maid Fiddler and then run the game, load a save file and wait for it to connect. There's no point using it until you have a save file with at least the 3 main characters. - You may want to install VibeYourMaid plugin. It is a plug-in that can be used for maids working or dancing with remote control vibes. Tons of fun to use. Go to [Optional Mod] and extract 'com3d2_mod_kyouyu_b_92 vibeyourmaid plugin.7z'. Copy 'UnityInjector' folder to 'Sybaris' folder in the main game folder. I recommend leaving this plugin for later once you get used to the interface and the other included plugins. You'll probably get confused when the whole screen gets covered in menus. Interface is activated with the I and O keys. - You can use my savefile with my current progress (extract SAVEDATA.7z in the installation folder) and edit it with MaidFiddler to unlock everything if you don't care about the story. I personally don't want to cheat my way through the game because it's all about the subtle changes in personality as you progress. There's also a 100% save file which I haven't tested. I think it comes from the english version. If you can't load the save file perhaps you need to edit the .xml in notepad so the savedata target will match your installation directory. It's just a guess. - As an alternative to Sybaris II AIO you can use MaidEx AIO which emulates Sybaris and is lighter and open source. I only tested it once a while back and the included plugins may be outdated by now. On top of that you can apply translation for MaidEx. Note that you must delete all traces of the previous Sybaris installation to avoid any conflicts. >>> PLUGINS The most common plugins included in this pack are activated using the F2-F12 keys You will probably use these- F2: HalfUnDressing . As the name suggests this plugin allows you to lift the skirt and some tops and lingerie that support the feature- F3: YotogiUtil- F4: ShapeAnimator. This plugin is used to edit body parts shapekeys and/or animate them. Useful for fine tuning a preset. Each body type has different shapekeys.- F5: During maid editing -> ModSlider. Also used for fine tuning a preset and make clothes fit better. WIDESLIDER should be enabled because presets usually come with fine tuning that require wideslider.- F5: During sex scenes -> AddYoyogiSliderSe. Allows to change face expressions and controls holes animation. AutoBote-> belly inflates when cumming inside (needed for the cross section uterus body). The AUTOBOTE increment can be changed in SybarisUnityInjectorConfigAddYotogiSliderSE.ini. Default is 10. Max should be 100. AutoKUPA controls the holes animation and more (should be enabled). - F6: Controls parts of the face and expression- F7: Changes the room/scenery, lighting and background music- U: During sex scenes allows separate views on face and crotch. Also can enable overlays for cross section uterus/anal/neck- I/O: VibeYourMaid - F12: AlwaysColorChange. It edits materials for body parts. It is needed to make the penis visible inside when using the cross section uterus body*. *I made a tutorial on how to use that mod. Mod_BODYcm3d2_b_442 uterus cross sectionTUTORIAL. A an alternative you can just use a male body designed for that mod. >>> TIPS- If you have any questions about how a certain mod works it's best to look inside its respective folder. There might be a tutorial in there or a readme in japanese that you have to translate.- Remember that you can filter out the mods from the standard/DLC items. When browsing a category there is a search bar followed by 6 blue buttons with unreadable text. The last 3 buttons are for filtering COM3D2 | CM3D2 | MODS It's tough work sorting mods from hundreds of scattered sources. I did it for myself to fit my personal taste. Take it or leave it and don't bitch about it. Let me know if you find something that doesn't work but you know how to fix.You can delete whatever you don't like or need from Mod folder and add your own modsI don't answer to requests. Pay someone on patreon to do that. I will never lock behind a paywall something that I didn't make and I just merely organized. inlolzwetrust
< Custom Order Maid 3D 2
  • Purge(this page)

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Custom Order Maid 3D 2[edit]

  • Gameplay
  • FAQ & Technical Help

  • 1FAQ
  • 2Installation Guide
    • 2.3Installing BepInEx
    • 2.4Installing Sybaris II

Running the game

  • Q1: I keep getting an '(0) Yotogi.Category enum parse error (non-Japanese text)' error when I run the game and I have AppLocale?
A: If you receive an error called '(0) Yotogi.Category enum parse error (non-japanese text)', then that means your computer has not completely changed the system locale to Japanese because AppLocale doesn't support x64/64-bit OS. You must do the following below (choose one method only).
  1. For the x64/64-bit version without setting Windows system locale to Japanese, you can use NTLEA x64 and configure it like here. Next, press the arrow on the bottom right and that makes it so you can right click COM3D2x64.exe to run the game with NTLEA x64.
  2. Setting Windows system locale to Japanese, follow the intructions below (note: This method is recommended because it's simple, doesn't require NTLEA x64 and works fine on Windows 10).
    Control Panel > Region > Administrative Tab > Language for non-Unicode programs choose Japanese(Japan) and restart your computer.
  • Q2: How to fix the translated UI that doesn't display correctly or has incorrect positioning after updating to ver1.09 or higher?
A: You need to update YATranslator Plugin and Translation files because the old plugin version does not support the newer game version.
  1. Update the plugin to the latest version here YATranslator Plugin.
  2. Also update the following translation strings, texture and asset files from Sybaris2 AIO in COM3D2SybarisUnityinjectorConfig
  3. Delete the AtlasSceneTitle.png file in COM3D2SybarisUnityinjectorConfigAssetsresources
  4. Replace it with the new AtlasSceneTitle.png which can be found here and edit the file name from AtlasSceneTitle.pngAtlasSceneDaily.png in the resources folder.
  • Q3: I get an error when opening the COM3D2 launcher after updating to ver1.11 or higher and my current CM3D2 version is ver1.58.1, how to fix this problem?
Compatibility Version Error
A: This issue is caused when the CM3D2 launcher doesn't match the current game version. You can fix this by doing the following.
  1. Update CM3D2 to the latest version.
  2. Go to the updater and copy Update.lst then replace the file in the CM3D2 game folder.
    Caution: Please backup Update.lst before replacing
  3. Open the CM3D2 launcher and check the version shown in the launcher. If the version matches with the current game version then it's fixed.
  • Q4: How to fix the translated UI or White UI after updating to ver1.17 or higher?
Example of removing the files to fix the UI
A: Delete the following translated UI files shown below in COM3D2SybarisUnityinjectorAssetsresources. After you delete the files, the UI will return to normal but not all content will be fully translated.
  1. AtlasColorPalette.png
  2. AtlasColorPalette2.png
  3. AtlasPreset.png
  4. AtlasProfile.png
  5. AtlasRandomPreset.png
  6. AtlasSceneEdit.png
  7. AtlasYotogi2.png
  8. AtlasSkillSelect.png
  • Q5: I'm trying to run the game on linux through wine, but the game crashes before even opening a window. How do I fix this?
A: Older game versions have issues with wine, try updating your game. At the time of writing game version 1.24 is working fine on wine 4.0. Please note that the game takes a very long time to load (multiple minutes).


  • Q1: How do I unlock the CM3D2 personalities in the maid editor?
    A: The main 3 personalities require CM3D2 and updating the game to the latest version in order to transfer the data into COM3D2. You can find more info here.
  1. Finish the tutorial of the three main maids.
  2. After finishing the tutorial and making a new maid, you can now choose the old personalities.
  • Q2: How to transfer a maid from CM3D2 to COM3D2?
    A: After you connect CM3D2 to COM3D2 via the launcher, in CM3D2 you should at least have one save game.
  1. Finish the tutorial of the three main maids.
  2. Go to manage maids, choose transfer maid and load your save. You will see a list of maids that can be transferred to the game, then press OK to transfer the maid to COM3D2.
  • Q3: How do I improve the club grade?
    A: You need to finish the main story first, after that the club grade will be unlocked. The main story is typically driven by either dance/singing stats or cooking stats of your first three maids, in case anyone gets stuck or lost on what to do if they lose it somewhere in the translation, training dance/singing or cooking will eventually unlock the cutscenes. If you do not increase those stats, the story won't progress.
  • Q4: How to unlock the new songs?
    A: Same requirement as unlocking the club grade. You need to finish the main story of the game first before unlocking the new songs.

English version

  • Q1: Can I connect COM3D2 to CM3D2?

It is currently not possible to connect the English version of COM3D2 to the Japanese version of CM3D2. To enjoy the connection between both games, you have to use the Japanese version of COM3D2.

More information can be found in the Custommaid Discord or the CustomMaid3D2 Community.

Installing the Game (Japanese version)

Click the highlighted button to install
Insert disk 2
  1. Set Windows system locale to Japanese or use NTLEA x64 or Locale Emulator
    Note: If you are a new player, please read more info at Q1.
  2. When you extract the files you will get two .iso files.
    1. カスタムオーダーメイド3D2 Disk 1 (iso+mds+rr3).rarcom3d2_1.iso
    2. カスタムオーダーメイド3D2 Disk 2 (iso+mds+rr3).rarcom3d2_2.iso
  3. Mount com3d2_1.iso with Daemontools Lite if you use Windows 10 you can directly mount the files by right-clicking the .iso and choose mount
    Note: If you have trouble using other mounting software, Daemontools Lite has been confirmed to work.
  4. If the installer does not autorun, go to My Computer or This PC and open the mounted dvd and then run Installer.exe if your computer locale is already set to japanese. If not then right-click Installer.exe and select Run with Japanese locale as an administrator (you need NTLEA x64 or Locale Emulator for the right-click options).
  5. Select the installation folder (default is C:KISS).
    Caution: Do not use double-byte characters, spaces or symbols on the folder name
    (example: ✓ C:KISSCOM3D2 | ✕ C:キスCOM3D2).
  6. Click the インストール button to start the COM3D2 setup. After that wait until the setup asks for disk 2.
  7. Unmount com3d2_1.iso and mount com3d2_2.iso and then click Retry.
  8. Wait for the setup to finish and close the installer.

Updating the game (Japanese version)

  1. Set Windows system locale to japanese or use NTLEA x64 or Locale Emulator
    Note: If you are a new player, please read more info at Q1.
  2. Download the latest update from Official Update
  3. Extract the zip file and run update.exe inside the extracted folder. If your Windows locale is set to japanese then it will auto-detect your installation directory.
    If not then right-click update.exe and select Run with Japanese locale as an administrator (you need NTLEA x64 or Locale Emulator for the right-click options).
  4. Choose 適用 -> 開始
  5. Wait for the patch to finish installing and close the updater.

Note: Installing DLC and append follows the same steps as updating the game.

COM3D2 official update webpage
Update patch installation

Installing BepInEx


  • Q1: What is BepInEx ?
A: BepInEx is a patcher/plug-in framework for Unity games that use Mono as their scripting backend. It can be used to load and run plugins other than the official plugins that are included in the base game similarly to Sybaris.
  • Q2: What is the difference with Sybaris and why should I choose BepInEx?
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A: While Sybaris generally works well, BepInEx is a more modern framework and actively maintained framework. This means that it is regularly updated and in case of issue, it is much more easy to contact developers or report your issue as all the code is open source and publicly available.. The community will also be able to help you more in case of trouble with BepInEx.
Compared to BepInEx, Sybaris has not been updated for a while and it is much more hard to get in touch with the developers.
  • Q3: What is BepInEx AIO?
A: BepInEx AIO (All In One) is a pack that bundle all the necessary BepInEx plugins and tools to start using BepInEx in COM3D2.
One of its main features is that it comes with plugins to load and use plugins made for Sybaris II and UnityInjector. BepInEx AIO also bundle a migration tool that will convert your Sybaris II install to a BepInEx one.
This tool can be used every time your install of Sybaris AIO is updated.
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Installing Sybaris II

For a new isntall, it is preferable to use BepInEx instead Sybaris II as BepInEx is the modern replacement for Sybaris and is actively maintained.

Sybaris II FAQ

  • Q1: What is Sybaris II?
A: Sybaris II is an updated version of sybaris, which can be used to load and run plugins other than the official plugins that are included in the base game.
  • Q2: Why use Sybaris II?
A: Sybaris II has many plugins that are very useful for players who play COM3D2, it also has the following advantages:
  1. It does not affect the base game, you can go back to vanilla anytime.
  2. Updating the game causes less problems.
  • Q3: Does Sybaris II have disadvantages?
A: Sybaris II has the following disadvantages:
  1. Sybaris II no longer uses a gamedata folder, that means sybaris II can't load mods manually.
  2. Some sybaris plugins are incompatible with sybaris II, such as VibeYourMaid plugin.
  • Q4: How many Sybaris II plugins are supported?
A: You can check motimoti3d
  • Q5: How to cleanup korean sybaris AIO?
  1. Copy the entire game folder to your desired location.
  2. Run _11 All in one install.v0xx.cmd (with 0xx is the cmd version that you've downloaded)
  3. Delete the following files/folders (if any of these folders/files don’t exist, just ignore it)
    1. .vs
    2. _CM3D2_Toolkit_PR2
    3. _cmd
    4. _Plugin manual
    5. _save
    6. Sybaris_64
    7. _torrent memo.txt
    8. Opengl32.dll
    9. From _00 to _97 files
    10. All files in Mod folder
    11. All files in MyRoom folder
    12. All files in PhotoModeData
    13. All files in Preset folder
    14. All files in SaveData
  4. Download Set Directory, copy the file to the game folder and run it.
  5. Download Latest Update and update the game. (skip if your game is already at the latest version)
  6. Download Noctsoul Sybaris Pack and follow the instruction inside.
  7. Go inside COM3D2SybarisUnityInjectorConfig, open DebugPlugin.ini, set the first Enabled=False to Enabled=True (to help with future bug fixes and diagnoses, recommended).
  8. Create a folder named “Preset” and copy all the base game’s presets from here (to help with character’s creation, optional).

Com3d2 Unlock All

Note: The game folder should look more or less like this:

Sybaris II

For an easy installation you can download: Noctsoul Sybaris Pack for COM3D2 (JP ver.) or Cerulien's Sybaris Uncensor Patch For COM3D2 (EN ver.)
This Package contains:

  • Sybaris II
  • Plugins
  • Translations
  • Uncensor

1. Download the pack you want and extract the zip.
2. Copy opengl32.dll and Sybaris folder and place them into the game folder.
3. Copy Mod files in sybaris folder and place them into Mod in game folder.

Note: if you use Cerulien's Sybaris Uncensor Patch, the Sybaris folder is instead named COM3D2 Patch.
  1. Sybarisopengl32.dllC:KISSCOM3D2
  2. SybarisSybarisC:KISSCOM3D2
  3. SybarisModC:KISSCOM3D2Mod

4. If you install correctly when running the game in the sybaris screen, there must be no red error text will display. You are ready to play the game.

Note: If you use one of the above linked packs, then you are done and ready to play the game. If you install only sybaris II then you still need to manually install the plugins. You can find the manual installation steps here.

Transfering Data (Japanese version)

In order to transfer the data from CM3D2 to COM3D2, you must to do the following. (example: personalities, characters, DLC, etc.)

  1. Both CM3D2 and COM3D2 have been installed correctly on Windows. (note: The game will check the registry on Windows)
  2. CM3D2 must be updated to ver1.58.1 or higher.
  3. COM3D2 must be updated to ver1.02 or higher.
  4. Install the 互換アップデートパッチ update from Official Update.
  5. After correctly installing the update above, open the COM3D2 launcher and select 互換設定 or Gear Icon > 設定.
  6. Then go to the compatibility settings (カスタムメイド3D2 互換設定) and choose the directory where CM3D2 is installed. After you are done press 保存 to save your settings.
From step 5 press gear icon and settings button for open the settings menu. (highlighted in red)
The settings menu from step 6
- Internet connect for display information and updates.
- Compatibility setting for transfering data from CM3D2.
- VR for displaying the VR button on the launcher

Downloading on S-court

Downloading The DLC with launcher

Com3d2 Mod Pack

1. Running the game on the window.
2. Open S-court Website from browser or Online Shop and login the site.

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Note: Please recheck the url before buying a product or download because JP and ENG store is different Shop.
  1. JP Store:
  2. ENG Store:

3. After your complete the purchase, now you can click download on the store for download file into your PC.
4. Wait until the download is complete. The files you downloaded will be stored in COM3D2dlc folder.
Note1: At this time, the s-court shop can accept payment from the following types of cards is JCB card, mastercard and visa.
Note2: If you trouble download file with auto download, you can click 手動ダウンロード for direct download.

Installing Mods

Maid Fiddler Won't Connect

Example installing mods within folder

Com3d2 Maid Fiddler

In order to install mods, you can follow the steps below. (Noctsoul sybaris pack has all the listed plugins below included, no need to follow further steps)
For Vanilla
1. Go to the game folder and create a new folder called 'Mod' (example: C:KISSCOM3D2Mod)
2. Put the mod files into COM3D2Mod folder.

For Sybaris II
1. You need to install Modloader Plugin for sybaris II.
2. After installing the plugin, Go to the game folder and create a new folder called 'Mod' (example: C:KISSCOM3D2Mod)
3. put the mod files into the COM3D2Mod folder.

Note1: .mod files should be placed without the folder.
Note2: For body mods, you should have the BodyCategoryAdd Plugin in sybaris II before it will appear in maid edit. (example: Body kupa, TKbody, LOBody)

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