Custom QSL card designs drawn-to-order by globally-recognized ham radio cartoonist Jeff K1NSS. QSL, logo design, web and print illustration. Learn how use a smart card in macOS. Amateur Radio programs for Apple MacOS category is a curation of 90 web resources on, Wireless Field Day Log Program, 10 QSO Logger, Trusted QSL. Resources listed under Mac Ham Radio Software category belongs to Software main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. YFKlog is a general purpose ham radio logbook for.nix operating systems. YFKlog runs in text mode, which means it can easily be used on a remote server, even from Windows-Computers with PuTTY.It was primarily designed with normal HF/VHF-operation in mind, for Contesting I wrote YFKtest which is in an early stage of development, but already served its purposes in several contests: YFKtest.
- QSL Maker
Freeware Windows QSL card printer software. This tool will let you create you own QSL cards importing pictures and customizing colors and other cards aspects. Print directly to your ink-ject or laser printer. Runs on windows systems by wb8rcr - Ham Label
Professional QSL cards label printing software. - HamQSLer
A program to design and print QSL cards on your computer, as well as design QSL cards for printing by commercial printers. This program overcomes many of the limitations that are present in other QSL design and print programs and methods. Works on Windows 7 to 10. - The AA4M ~ QQSL Web Page
Home of the ultimate Ham Radio QSL Label Program!Quick QSL for DOS, featuring great color, dot matrix, laser, and inkjet printer support, a user-friendly interface, - BV by df3cb
BV is a professional software for QSL Management and Label/QSL Printing - developed since 1989 by Bernd, DF3CB. It is mainly designed for the contester and QSL manager with high QSL quantities but useful for all other QSL'ing purposes as well.Freeware
- AGWQSLPrint- Designing your own QSL card is now easier than ever. This is a Program that helps you design and then Print your QSL cards filling them automatically with QSO data.
- BV by df3cb- BV is a professional software for QSL Management and Label/QSL Printing - developed since 1989 by Bernd, DF3CB. It is mainly designed for the contester and QSL manager with high QSL quantities but useful for all other QSL'ing purposes as well.Freeware[ Hits: 5367 | Votes: 12 | Rating: 5.91 ]
- DF3CB BV QSL Management and printing- DF3CB site, contesting, and softwareBV is a professional freeware software for the QSL Management and Label/QSL Printing under Windows developed and distributed by Bernd Koch, DF3CB, since 1989.It is mainly designed for the contester and QSL manager with high QSL quantities but useful for all other QSL'ing purposes as well. Includes logging features
- DxQSL- QSL card printing tool for windows, can print complete back side of the QSL card and also labels[ Hits: 1576 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 2.67 ]
- eQSLMaster- eQSLMaster is a HAM radio program, that allow to perform various functions using the Electronic QSL Card Centre ( eQSLMaster users of the system have the ability to upload an entire ADIF format log file (or single QSO) and have it deposited into eQSL central database using LogServices.
- Ham Label- Professional QSL cards label printing software.[ Hits: 16313 | Votes: 13 | Rating: 4.3 ]
- HamQSLerupdated- A program to design and print QSL cards on your computer, as well as design QSL cards for printing by commercial printers. This program overcomes many of the limitations that are present in other QSL design and print programs and methods. Works on Windows 7 to 10.
- HRDLabel- QSL and Label printing addon to Ham Radio Deluxe by IW1QLH[ Hits: 1930 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 5 ]
- HRIS2- This program can be used for statistics of sending QSL. Also it is possible to use her as the help data on DX-ing (DX VIA, ADDRESS MNG, IOTA-ped.)The information is brought in base delivery of the program on ' DX via ' and ' Address QSL mng ' from bulletins 425 (with 205 on 858) by US7IB
- LOTW EQSL Utility- LoTW and eQSL export utility for Windowsallows you to export your LOTW and eQSL marked qso's from Logger32 or an existing ADIF file.This program has been discontinued by author in favour of L32 LogSync.[ Hits: 1119 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 9 ]
- miLog Reporter- Reporting program that help you keep track of contacts and take care of the routing activity of creating reports and QSL cards. Require miLog logging program
- Pathfinder- A free application that searches more than 100 web-accessible sources to locate QSL information for a callsign that you enter once[ Hits: 2515 | Votes: 677 | Rating: 7.83 ]
- QBuS- A small application that helps you to sort your outgoing QSL-card properly by UBA
- QSL Buro Finder- Windows, Linux and macosx freeware that help QSL sorting by returing correct QSL buro looking up for callsigns bY IK4ZIN in italian[ Hits: 604 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 9 ]
- QSL Card Imaging- A database which allows the user to store and catalog QSL cards
- QSL extra- QSL extra offers QSL informations for every ardent dxer, with over 30.000 entries.[ Hits: 2534 | Votes: 8 | Rating: 3.49 ]
- QSL Makerpop- Freeware Windows QSL card printer software. This tool will let you create you own QSL cards importing pictures and customizing colors and other cards aspects. Print directly to your ink-ject or laser printer. Runs on windows systems by wb8rcr
- QSL Print Manager- Open Source windows qsl printing software that can import ADIF file and print your own qsl cards data by SQ7MRU[ Hits: 1329 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 9 ]
- QSL Studio- QSL cards and labels printing software. Create colourful QSL-cards and labels literally in some minutes. Print filled QSL cards or stickers from an ADIF-file, logs UR5EQF Log, HRD Logbook, AALog.Windows Shareware program by RS SoftX.
- QSL Wizard- Generate QSL cards and labels in your own format. Donationware, windows program by Alpine software officially released for windows XP.[ Hits: 1881 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5 ]
- Simple Online QSL Generator- A funny online application that lets you build your own QSL cards based on templates. You can choose background text aligment and text to be printed on your card.
- The AA4M ~ QQSL Web Page- Home of the ultimate Ham Radio QSL Label Program!Quick QSL for DOS, featuring great color, dot matrix, laser, and inkjet printer support, a user-friendly interface,[ Hits: 8120 | Votes: 7 | Rating: 5.71 ]
- TQSL - ARRL LoTW- Official download page of TQSL software provided by ARRL as LoTW signing tool to upload QSO confirmations valid for ARRL Awards. TQSL download page provide links for Windows MacOS and Linux platforms.
- Trusted QSL- Open source libraries and utilities to support using digital signatures for Amateur radio QSL system information like eqsl and lotw. Available for windows macos e linux.[ Hits: 2378 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 10 ]