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Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
  • Sep 15, 2009 r/stalker All about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Survival-horror computer game series (including Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat, and community mods for each). This is not a subreddit about stalking people nor discussing real-life stalkers!
  • Stalker: Call of Pripyat에서 사용 된 콘솔 명령은 그래픽 구성 요소를 손상 시키지만 게임 성능을 크게 향상시킵니다. 예: nosound - 게임의 전체 사운드를 끄고 사운드를 매우 많이로드하므로 게임로드 시간이 단축되고 속도가 향상됩니다.
  • How To Use Command For the player to use the console command, simply open console (default: `) and hit letter 'J'. 'jumptolevel', should be the first option to pop up, and player may use 'down arrow' on the keyboard to locate it, or just type the command manually.

Take the bin and fov batch command and copy both into your main stalker directory, ie Drive Letter. Steam Library Steam apps common STALKER COP. You can copy right there right on top of the bin file. By on top i mean it will add the files and keep your Bin the same aside from the presets folder.

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Console Commands For Stalker Call Of Pripyat Mods

Extra ending sequences

The ending you get is determined by actions you take over the course of the game. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock an extra sequence of the ending you normally would not see:

    1. Get the 'Battle Systems Master' achievement.
    2. Get the 'Courier Of Justice' achievement.
    3. Get the 'Detective' achievement.
    4. Get the 'Friend Of Stalkers' achievement. Prevents ending #8.
    5. Get the 'Friend Of Duty' achievement. Prevents endings #6 and #9.
    6. Get the 'Friend Of Freedom' achievement. Prevents endings #5 and #9.
    7. Get the 'High Tech Master' achievement.
    8. Get the 'Kingpin' achievement. Prevents ending #4.
    9. Get the 'Man Of Balance' achievement. Prevents endings #5 and #6.
    10. Get the 'Mutant Hunter' achievement.
    11. Get the 'One Of The Lads' achievement.
    12. Get the 'Pioneer' and 'Research Assistant' achievements.
    13. Get the 'Trafficker Of Information' achievement.
    14. Get the 'Battle Systems Master' achievement, but not the 'High Tech Master' achievement.
    15. Get the 'High Tech Master' achievement, but not the 'Battle Systems Master' achievement.
    16. Do not kill Noah.
    17. Vano survives.
    18. Zulu survives.
    19. Strider survives
    20. Strelock survives.
    21. Finding out about the fate of Barge and Joker for Cardan. Allows the combination sequence for ending #1 and #7.
    22. Find all six documents in the X8 Lab.
    23. Restore the Gauss Rifle to operational. Changes the combination sequence for ending #1 and #7 to the best outcome.
    24. Find the Compass artifact for Beard.
    25. Leave on the choppers at end of game.
    26. Do not leave on the choppers. Prevents endings #1 through #25.
Easy money

Console Commands For Stalker Call Of Pripyat Download

Once technicians are friendly to you through quests, you can repair items for cheaper. If you bring back all the weapons and items you loot from ten people, you can repair, break them down (silencers and scopes), unload, and sell the ammo, weapons, and attachments for more money.

Early Vintar BC Sniper Rifle

Immediately after you start the game, go to the burnt farmstead. There is a burnt piece of wood leaning against the wall of the ruined house on the top right. Walk up it, and you can follow the roofs to the left to get a Vintar laying on the roof of the building on the far left.

Early Velez detector

When you start the game, try to get 6000 RU as soon as possible. Go to the Burnt Farmstead, and get the Vintar sniper rifle. Go to the pilot in Skadovsk, and ask him to take you to Yanov. When you get there, go to Kopachy. There are about eight Zombies here. Go to the back of the house, and snipe them with the Vintar. At the front of the house is a construction crane. Inside is a stash with a Velez detector. Take it, then have the pilot take you back to Skadosk. It will now be much easier to get artifacts to get money for better armor and upgrades.


Console Commands For Stalker Call Of Pripyat

When making your first trip through the Bloodsucker's lair with Grouse, you will exit through a tunnel. If you follow the tunnel the other direction, there is a stash containing Anabolic drugs, which are the earliest ones you can find. They will help against emissions. Use three Antibiotics during emissions to be immune. You can also get an Anabiotic at the cave northeast of the burnt farmstead after you kill the controller.

Downed UAV

At the northwest corner of the Jupiter map is a UAV crash in a crater. You can loot the computer and have Nitro decrypt it for you. It gives you the locations of the three stashes containing Strelok's notes which can be used to complete the 'Keeper of Secrets' achievement and also to acquire Strelok Lucky SGI5K, which is the best AR in the game because it can hold a silencer, m203, and all Susat scope models.

Marked By Zone side effect

After surviving three emissions, if you are in good health you can survive emissions without the aid of Anabolics due to the effects of using the drugs.

Extra Compass artifacts

Sometimes when you kill Noah, he will drop two Compass artifacts.

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Defeating Bloodsuckers

Sometimes when fighting Bloodsuckers, if you sprint away and turn around they will follow you in a straight line. This makes it easy to hit them while they are invisible.

Easy 'Friend Of Duty', 'Friend Of Freedom', and 'Man Of Balance' achievements

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It is possible to complete the 'Monolith Fighters' and 'Guarding the Bunker' quest without having the 'Friend Of...' achievement for either faction. Flint, Magpie, or Soroka must be turned into the appropriate faction you want to be friends with, but not get the achievement. This allows you to have that faction guard the scientist bunker, and recruit the Monolith fighters as well. The faction you want to assign those tasks to must have green (friendly) status towards you. If you still want to get the 'Man Of Balance' achievement, tell whoever about Flint, then sell the two required PDAs for either faction to Owl. You can still tell Gaunt about Flint. All this can be done without missing any quests, and you will still get your discounts from the Yanov merchants.


Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement:

    Battle Systems Master: Bring Cardan all three toolsets.
    Courier Of Justice: Successfully complete the 'Magpie/Flint/Soroka' quest line.
    Diplomat: Solve Mitay and Vano's quest lines without killing the bandits.
    Detective: Successfully complete the 'Missing Stalkers' quest line.
    Friend Of Stalkers: Successfully complete all Stalker related quests, including those required for One of the Lads.
    Friend Of Freedom: Tell Loki about Flint and give General Tachenko's and Morgan's PDA to him.
    Friend Of Duty: Tell Shulga about Flint and give General Tachenko's and Morgan's PDA to him.
    High Tech Master: Bring Nitro all three toolsets.
    Keeper Of Secrets: Give any information concerning Strelok to him.
    Kingpin (Unconfirmed): Successfully complete Stalker quests in favor of Sultan.
    Leadership: Recruit a full squad including, Zulu, Strider, Vanov, and Sokolov for the Pripyat Underground Mission.
    Marked by Zone: Survive three blowouts using Experimental Anabolic drugs.
    Man Of Balance: Sell General Tachenko's and Morgan's PDA to Owl.
    Mutant Hunter: Successfully complete all the mutant related quests given by Gaunt and Trapper. This includes Bloodsucker Lair, Bloodsuckers in the Swamp, Unknown Mutant Den (Burers), Wounded Chimera, and Nocturnal Chimera.
    One Of The Lads: Successfully complete Yanov and Skadovsk quest lines in favor of Stalker faction.
    Pioneer: Plant scanners in all anomalies and complete the 'Rotten Grove' quest.
    Research Assistant: Successfully complete all Scientists quests and deliver Oasis to them.
    Artifact Hunter: Collect one of each artifact in the game, this includes, compass, oasis, wheel, and spiral.
    Seasoned Stalker: Visit every anomaly in the game, and certain points of interest.
    Trafficker Of Information: Sell Owl any nine pieces of information.
    Wealthy: Collect 100,000 RU during the game.

From Mod Wiki

Currently in-progress, this will soon be a complete list of console commands with descriptions. In it's current state, it's far more exhaustive than the previous list. If you would like to add/update any commands, please be sure to follow the current structure- an example is given below in the Notes section.

Derjyn 23:27, 17 June 2008 (EEST)


Command Explanation
_preset [Minimum, Low, Default, High, Extreme] Sets quality preset (same as in-game options).
ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights [0, 1] Toggles NPC flashlights.
beclient [TODO]TODO
bemsg [TODO]TODO
beserver [TODO]TODO
bind [action, key] Binds an action to a particular primary key.
bind_console [TODO]TODO
bind_list [no arguments] Lists current key bindings.
bind_sec [action, key] Binds an action to a secondary key.
cam_inert [0.000, 1.000] Controls camera inertia.
cam_slide_inert [0.000, 1.000]TODO
cdkey [TODO]TODO
cfg_load [filename.ltx] Loads a configuration file with the specified name from the same directory as User.ltx.
cfg_save [filename.ltx] Saves current configuration to a new .ltx file with the specified name in the same directory as User.ltx.
check_for_updates [TODO]TODO
cl_cod_pickup_mode [0, 1]
cl_dynamiccrosshair [0, 1] Toggles in-game dynamic crosshair.
cl_voteno [TODO]TODO
cl_votestart [TODO]TODO
cl_voteyes [TODO]TODO
clear_log [no arguments] Clears the console log.
demo_play [demoname] Plays back a pre-recorded timedemo.
demo_record [demoname] Records a timedemo. -- spacebar sets keyframes, if your keyframes are set press ESC, then try demo_play [recorded_demo_name]
disconnect [no arguments] Exists current game to main menu.
dump_open_files [TODO]TODO
dump_resources [TODO]TODO
flush [no arguments] Creates log of actions under the Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared DocumentsSTALKER-SHOClogs directory.
g_always_run [0, 1] Toggles always run/always walk.
g_autopickup [0, 1]TODO
g_backrun [0, 1]TODO
g_corpsenum [0, 100]TODO
g_eventdelay [0, 1000]TODO
g_game_difficulty (gd_novice, gd_stalker, gd_veteran, gd_master) Sets difficulty level.
g_kill [no arguments] Player kill/suicide.
g_restart [TODO]TODO
g_restart_fast [TODO]TODO
g_swapteams [TODO] Swap team for artefacthunt game.
get_server_address [no arguments] Lists server's IP address.
help [no arguments] Lists all console commands.
hud_crosshair [0, 1] Toggles in-game crosshair.
hud_crosshair_dist [0, 1] Toggles in-game crosshair target distance display.
hud_info [0, 1] Toggles hud elements.
hud_weapon [0, 1] Toggles in-game weapon display.
list_actions [no arguments] Lists all bindable character actions.
load [savename] Loads the saved game with the name specified.
load_last_save [no arguments] Loads last saved game
main_menu [no arguments] Takes you straight to the game's main menu screen.
mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated [0, 1]TODO
mm_net_con_publicserver [0, 1]TODO
mm_net_con_spectator [1, 32]
mm_net_con_spectator_on [0, 1]
mm_net_filter_battleye [TODO]TODO
mm_net_filter_empty [0, 1]TODO
mm_net_filter_full [0, 1]TODO
mm_net_filter_listen [0, 1]TODO
mm_net_filter_pass [0, 1]TODO
mm_net_filter_wo_ff [0, 1]TODO
mm_net_filter_wo_pass [0, 1]TODO
mm_net_player_name [string]TODO
mm_net_srv_gamemode [st_deathmatch, st_team_deathmatch, st_artefacthunt]
mm_net_srv_maxplayers [2, 32]TODO
mm_net_srv_name [string]TODO
mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type [0, 2]TODO
mm_net_use_battleye [TODO]TODO
mm_net_weather_rateofchange [0.000, 100.000]TODO
mouse_invert [0, 1] Toggles mouse inversion.
mouse_sens [0.050, 0.6000] Sets mouse sensitivity.
name [string] Sets your player name.
net_cl_clearstats [TODO]TODO
net_cl_icurvesize [0, 2000]TODO
net_cl_icurvetype [0, 2]TODO
net_cl_interpolation [ 1.000, 1.000] - TODO
net_cl_log_data [0, 1]TODO
net_cl_resync [TODO]TODO
net_compressor_enabled [TODO]TODO
net_compressor_gather_stats [TODO]TODO
net_compressor_status [TODO]TODO
net_dbg_dump_ export_obj [0, 1]TODO
net_dbg_dump_import_obj [0, 1]TODO
net_dbg_dump_update_read [0, 1]TODO
net_dbg_dump_update_write [0, 1]TODO
net_cl_update_rate [1, 100]TODO
net_dedicated_sleep [0, 64]TODO
net_sv_gpmode [0, 2]TODO
net_sv_log_data [0, 1]TODO
net_sv_pending_lim [0 ,10]TODO
net_sv_update_rate [1, 100]TODO
ph_iterations [15, 50]TODO
quit Exits game to Desktop.
r1_dlights [on,off] Toggles dynamic lights, only impacts on torchlight.
r1_dlights_clip [10.000, 150.000] Sets dynamic light clip range.
r1_glows_per_frame [2, 32] Controls maximum number of light sources.
r1_lmodel_lerp [0.000, 0.333] Controls the Linear Interpolation of lighting.
r1_pps_u [ 1.000,1.000] - Controls Per Pixel Shader functionality.
r1_pps_v [ 1.000,1.000] - Controls Per Pixel Shader functionality.
r1_ssa_lod_a [16.000,96.000] Controls Level of Detail in game world.
r1_ssa_lod_b [16.000,64.000] Controls Level of Detail in game world.
r1_tf_mipbias [ 0.500,0.500] - Controls mipmap LOD bias which affects texture clarity.
r2_aa [0, 1] Toggles fake Antialiasing blur effect.
r2_aa_break [0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000] Controls extent of fake AA.
r2_aa_kernel [0.300, 0.700] Controls overall blurriness of fake AA.
r2_aa_weight [0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000][0.000000, 1.000000] More precisely controls bluriness of fake AA.
r2_allow_r1_light [0, 1] Allows DX8 lighting under DX9 lighting model.
r2_gi [0, 1] Toggles Global Illumination.
r2_gi_clip [0.000, 0.100] Controls Global Illumination clip distance.
r2_gi_depth [1, 5] Controls Global Illumination shadow depth.
r2_gi_photons [8, 256] Controls Global Illumination effect.
r2_gi_refl [0.001, 0.990] Controls Global Illumination reflectivity.
r2_gloss_factor [0.000, 10.000] Sets level of Specularity/gloss of objects.
r2_ls_bloom_fast [0, 1] Toggles enhanced bloom effect.
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b [0.010, 1.000] Determines level of haze from HDR/bloom effect.
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g [1.000, 7.000]TODO
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale [0.500, 2.000]TODO
r2_ls_bloom_speed [0.000, 100.000]TODO
r2_ls_bloom_threshold [0.000, 1.000] Controls overall level of the lighting effect used.
r2_ls_depth_bias [ 0.500, 0.500] - Controls how far visible light sources shine.
r2_ls_depth_scale [0.500, 1.500] Controls the impact of lighting on shadows.
r2_ls_dsm_kernel [0.100, 3.000]TODO
r2_ls_psm_kernel [0.100, 3.000]TODO
r2_ls_squality [0.500, 1.000] Sets Shadow quality.
r2_ls_ssm_kernel [0.500, 1.000]TODO
r2_mblur [0.000, 1.000] Controls Motion Blur effect. Only works if -mblur switch is also enabled.
r2_parallax_h [0.000, 0.500] Controls Parallax Mapping which affects texture surface depth.
r2_slight_fade [0.020, 2.000]TODO
r2_ssa_lod_a [16.000, 96.000] Controls level of detail in game world.
r2_ssa_lod_b [32.000,64.000] Controls level of detail in game world.
r2_sun [0, 1] Toggles sun lighting/shadows.
r2_sun_depth_far_bias [ 0.500, 0.500] - TODO
r2_sun_depth_far_scale [0.500, 1.500]TODO
r2_sun_depth_near_bias [ 0.500, 0.500] - TODO
r2_sun_depth_near_scale [0.500, 1.500]TODO
r2_sun_details [0, 1] Toggles shadows on grass/shrubbery.
r2_sun_focus [0, 1]TODO
r2_sun_lumscale [ 1.000, 3.000] - Sets sun brightness level.
r2_sun_lumscale_amb [0.000, 3.000] Sets ambient light level.
r2_sun_lumscale_hemi [0.000, 3.000] Sets hemisphere light level.
r2_sun_near [1.000, 50.000]TODO
r2_sun_near_border [0.500, 1.000]TODO
r2_sun_tsm [on, off]TODO
r2_sun_tsm_bias [ 0.500, 0.500] - TODO
r2_sun_tsm_proj [0.001, 0.800]TODO
r2_tf_mipbias [ 0.500, 0.500] - Controls mipmap LOD bias which affects texture clarity.
r2_tonemap [0, 1] Toggles tone mapping effect for HDR lighting.
r2_tonemap_adaptation [0.010, 10.000]TODO
r2_tonemap_amount [0.000, 1.000]TODO
r2_tonemap_lowlum [0.000, 1.000] Controls effect of tone mapping on darker areas.
r2_tonemap_middlegray [0.000, 2.000] Controls overall look of HDR effect.
r2_wait_sleep [0, 1]TODO
r2_zfill [0, 1]TODO
r2_zfill_depth [0.001 0.500]TODO
r2em [0.000, 4.000]TODO
r__detail_density [0.200, 0.600] Sets grass density level.
r__geometry_lod [0.100, 1.200] Sets objects detail level.
r__supersample [1, 4] Sets antialiasing level.
r__tf_aniso [1, 16] Sets anisotropic filtering level.
ra [no arguments]TODO
renderer [renderer_r1, renderer_r2a, renderer_r2] Sets rendering system.
rs_c_brightness [0.500, 1.500] Sets brightness level.
rs_c_contrast [0.500, 1.500] Sets contrast level.
rs_c_gamma [0.500, 1.500] Sets gamma level.
rs_fullscreen [0, 1] Toggles fullscreen/windowed mode.
rs_refresh_60hz [0, 1] Toglles 60Hz Frequency option.
rs_stats [0, 1] Toggles display of game engine statistics, including FPS.
rs_v_sync [0, 1] Toggles vertical sync.
rs_vis_distance [0.400, 1.500] Sets vision distance.
save [savename] Saves the current game under the name specified (default is quicksave).
screenshot [1] Saves a JPG screenshot under the Documents and SettingsAll UsersShared DocumentsSTALKER-SHOCscreenshots directory.
snd_acceleration [0, 1] Toggles hardware sound acceleration.
snd_cache_size [4, 32] Sets size of sound cache.
snd_efx [0, 1] Toggles Sound Effects on or off.
snd_restart [no arguments] Restarts the sound engine; should be used after altering any snd_ variables.
snd_targets [4, 32] Sets the number of channels for audio.
snd_volume_eff [0.000, 1.000] Sets sound FX volume level.
snd_volume_music [0.000, 1.000] Sets music volume level.
start [TODO]TODO
stat_memory [no arguments] Toggles the display of memory-related statistics for the game engine.
sv_addmap [TODO]TODO
sv_anomalies_enabled [0, 1]TODO
sv_anomalies_length [0, 180]TODO
sv_artefect_respawn_delta [0, 600]TODO
sv_artefact_spawn_force [0, 1]TODO
sv_artefact_stay_time [0, 180]TODO
sv_artefacts_count [1, 100]TODO
sv_auto_team_balance [0, 1]TODO
sv_auto_team_swap [0, 1]TODO
sv_banplayer [TODO]TODO
sv_banplayer_id [TODO]TODO
sv_banplayer_ip [TODO]TODO
sv_bearercantsprint [0, 1]TODO
sv_changegametype [TODO]TODO
sv_changelevel [TODO]TODO
sv_changelevelgametype [TODO]TODO
sv_client_reconnect_time [0, 60]TODO
sv_console_update_rate [1, 100]TODO
sv_dedicated_server_update_rate [1, 1000]TODO
sv_dmgblockindicator [0, 1]TODO
sv_dmgblocktime [0, 600]TODO
sv_dump_online_statistics [no arguments]TODO
sv_dump_online_statistics_period [no arguments]TODO
sv_forcerespawn [0, 3600]TODO
sv_fraglimit [0, 100]TODO
sv_friendly_indicators [0, 1]TODO
sv_friendly_names [0, 1]TODO
sv_friendlyfire [0.000, 2.000]TODO
sv_hail_to_winner_time [0, 60]TODO
sv_kick [name] Kick player by name.
sv_listmaps [id] Kick player by id.
sv_listplayers [TODO]TODO
sv_listplayers_banned [TODO]TODO
sv_max_ping_limit [1, 2000]TODO
sv_nextanomalyset [TODO]TODO
sv_nextmap [TODO]TODO
sv_pda_hunt [0, 1]TODO
sv_prevmap [TODO]TODO
sv_reinforcement_time [ 1, 3600] - TODO
sv_remove_corpse [ 1, 1] - TODO
sv_remove_weapon [ 1,1]
sv_return_to_base [TODO]TODO
sv_returnplayers [0, 1]TODO
sv_rpoint_freeze_time [0, 60000]TODO
sv_setenvtime [TODO]TODO
sv_setweather [TODO]TODO
sv_shieldedbases [0, 1]TODO
sv_spectr_firsteye [0, 1]TODO
sv_spectr_freefly [0, 1]TODO
sv_spectr_freelook [0, 1]TODO
sv_spectr_lookat [0, 1]TODO
sv_spectr_teamcamera [0, 1]TODO
sv_startteammoney [TODO]TODO
sv_satistic_collect [0, 1]TODO
sv_statistic_save [TODO]TODO
sv_statistic_save_auto [0, 1]TODO
sv_status [TODO]TODO
sv_teamkill_limit [0, 100]TODO
sv_teamkill_punish [0, 1]TODO
sv_timelimit [0, 180]TODO
sv_unbanplayer_ip [TODO]TODO
sv_vote_enabled [0, 1]TODO
sv_vote_participants [0, 1]TODO
sv_vote_quota [0.000, 1.000]TODO
sv_vote_time [0.500, 10.000]TODO
sv_votestop [TODO]TODO
sv_warm_up [0, 3600]TODO
texture_lod [0,4] Sets texture level of detail level.
unbind [action] Unbinds any primary keys from the specified action.
unbind_console [TODO]TODO
unbind_sec [action] Unbinds any secondary keys from the specified action.
unbindall Unbinds all keys from all actions.
vid_mode [WxH] Same as in-game Resolution option.
vid_restart Restarts the graphics engine; should be used after changing certain graphics settings such as texture_lod and vid_mode.

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