As1100 Drawing Standards Free

As1100 Drawing Standards Free

  1. A-s1100 Drawing Standards Free Printable
  2. Engineering Drawing Standards Manual
  3. As1100 Drawing Standards Free Online

Part should be supplied clean and free from marks, burrs, scuffs, distortion and warpage. Ensure anti-seize is on all nuts and bolts prior to assembly. Drawing to as1100 drawing standards. 316 s.s and 316 s.s fasteners to be used throughout for coastal installations or any environment with high corrosion. All tolerances ± 1.5mm. Notes Amdt 1/1994/07-11.Supersedes AS1100.201- 1984 In Archives NOT FOR LOAN. This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee ME/72, Technical Drawing. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 25 August 1992 and published on 16 November 1992. The following interests are represented on Committee ME/72: Association of Consulting Engineers, Australia Australian Chamber of Commerce Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia Confederation of.

AS 1100.101-1992 (R2014) Technical drawing. General principles

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AS 1100.101-1992
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A-s1100 Drawing Standards Free Printable

Information provider
SAI Global
Standards Australia
Information type
Australian Standard
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Cited By
This resource is cited by 1 document (show Citations)

This Standard sets out the basic principles of technical drawing practice with the following sections:

  1. sets out abbreviations.
  2. specifies materials, sizes, and layout of drawing sheets.
  3. specifies the types and minimum thicknesses of lines to be used and shows typical examples of their application.
  4. sets out the requirements for distinct uniform letters, numerals, and symbols.
  5. sets out recommended scales and their application.
  6. sets out methods of projection and of indication of the various views of an object.
  7. sets out methods of indicating section and provides information on conventions used in sectioning.
  8. sets out recommendations for dimensioning including size and geometry tolerancing.
  9. 9 specifies conventions used for the representation of components and repetitive features of components.
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Engineering Drawing Standards Manual

For assistance with locating previous versions, please contact the information provider.

AS 1100.101-1992 (R2014) Technical drawing. General principles

This document is CITED BY:
  • AS/NZS 5131:2016

    AS 1100.101-1992 is cited by AS/NZS 5131:2016 Structural steelwork - Fabrication and erection

As1100 Drawing Standards Free Online

AS 1100.101-1992 (R2014) Technical drawing. General principles


This Standard sets out the basic principles of technical drawing practice with the following sections:

  1. sets out abbreviations.
  2. specifies materials, sizes, and layout of drawing sheets.
  3. specifies the types and minimum thicknesses of lines to be used and shows typical examples of their application.
  4. sets out the requirements for distinct uniform letters, numerals, and symbols.
  5. sets out recommended scales and their application.
  6. sets out methods of projection and of indication of the various views of an object.
  7. sets out methods of indicating section and provides information on conventions used in sectioning.
  8. sets out recommendations for dimensioning including size and geometry tolerancing.
  9. 9 specifies conventions used for the representation of components and repetitive features of components.
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AS 1100.101-1992 (R2014) Technical drawing. General principles

This Standard sets out the basic principles of technical drawing practice with the following sections:

  1. sets out abbreviations.
  2. specifies materials, sizes, and layout of drawing sheets.
  3. specifies the types and minimum thicknesses of lines to be used and shows typical examples of their application.
  4. sets out the requirements for distinct uniform letters, numerals, and symbols.
  5. sets out recommended scales and their application.
  6. sets out methods of projection and of indication of the various views of an object.
  7. sets out methods of indicating section and provides information on conventions used in sectioning.
  8. sets out recommendations for dimensioning including size and geometry tolerancing.
  9. 9 specifies conventions used for the representation of components and repetitive features of components.
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AS 1100.101-1992 (R2014) Technical drawing. General principles

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